I had the great pleasure of appearing at the Battle of Ideas festival in Westminster in October to participate in a debate entitled ‘From social media to AI: a tech moral panic?’ This was my opening address.
As ever, please let me know your thoughts in the comments!
Thanks, Andrew.
I fully agree that the Brandenburg Test should be applied in the UK and most if not all of the Southport tweeting convictions were solely aimed at curtailing fee speech.
Have cross posted.
Hi Andrew - I was there so I witnessed this first hand!
For what it's worth, my recollection is that you didn't have much to say about AI, which didn't bother me unduly as I'm a lot more concerned by censorship, but as a result I think that meant you were not as engaged in the overall debate as you might have been.
Or perhaps we can blame the Battle of Ideas for trying to shoehorn 2 topics which each deserved several debates of their own into one session.