The entitlement and bullying of the trans lobby has been evident on countless occasions and over many years. Upton is simply the end result of a society which for a variety of reasons -cowardice, virtue signalling, ignorance, indoctrination, laziness, MSM cover ups, is refusing to confront and call out delusion and insanity. If you allow people to behave in an entitled, bullying manner, that’s what many will do. If you allow people to manipulate and bully others into compliance, that’s what will happen. What’s shocking is how few people there are who are willing to confront the behaviour, who will go along with it for an easy life. Well what we are living through now is on your heads. You are responsible for this mess.
Thanks Andrew for your continued focus on the insanity of gender ideology.
The problem is that it doesn’t affect men very much. The victims of this are women and children, and society is not geared up to treat their needs seriously.
Which is what makes Andrew here such a star. Thank you Andrew.
if you are saying, or anyone else says, that society is not geared up to treat (and "support") women as victims I would say quite the opposite...
Horrifically so.
UK society declares that the victim role is virtually reserved for women and girls...
men who commit suicide due to being trapped in abuse were always told to man up...
and they are not allowed to be victims,
so much so that male victims of women's violence and abuse are statistically counted as VAWG - their very gender is obliterated - because we have 100% embedded the lie that women do not have the agency to be violent or otherwise abusive.
On the rare occasions where it is caught and prosecuted, even self confessed cold blooded killers are seen as somehow victims of male "oppression" so it's not their fault...
(read the details of the Sally Challen case to see the reality)
This fully adopted position is shown to be complete crap, nonsensical dogma, and not just harmful to male victims, it also SHOULD be anathema to women who desire equality and the agency that Feminism tells us is what men always had...
But Fem orgs like Women's Aid and Rape Crisis get a ton of tax payers money ensuring that women are scared and stuck in the victim role -
denying women the very agency that Feminists like Germaine Greer and Camille Paglia demanded for themselves and which makes them so angry at where Feminism has gone...
After over a decade of it I'm still shocked. I shouldn't be by now, but I am. It's tangible how witch trials and other mob crimes happened in the past, only they had the excuse of ignorance, we do not.
To me, the worst thing this tribunal has revealed is not Dr Upton's unpleasant character, but the unthinking acquiescence to his demands by NHS Fife, and the revelation that the General Medical Council, the statutory regulator, does not collect and publish accurate data on the sex of registrants, instead requiring only declaration of their "gender" and changing the public record on request. This destroys any possibility of sex-based rights of female staff and patients being exercised and enforced.
What the easy acceptance of gender ideology clearly illustrates is how little women and children matter…..and I sadly include some women in that. Women have been saying these things for years only to be abused or ignored.
I'm far more worried this bloke is a practising doctor and apparently comes into contact with actual patients.
Would the NHS (or any health care body) be as accomodating when a doctor or nurse believed you can't distinguish desease from demonic possession? And insisted the entire hospital joins in excorcism and communal prayer instead of a proven medical treatment?
He is not just forcing his delusion on his coworkers, but on patients (who are in a rather vulnerable position) as well. He should be struck off and have his licence removed.
Thank you Andrew (and legaltweetz) for showing the madness once again.
The whole thing is unbelievable. Or at least it would be if we didn't now live in Upside-down World.
I've been at most of the tribunal (online) and Upton was a sight & sound to behold - every answer was an opportunity for grandstanding, he doesn't use one word when ten will do and he treats his audience as though they're stupid. This cannot surely be ultimately in his favour.
What shocked me most (out of a sea of shocks) was when Naomi Cunningham ((Sandie Peggie's barrister) invented "Pete", a burly, bearded, built-like-s-sh*t-house male colleague. 'Pete' enters the changing room when a female colleague is in bra & pants and he starts to undress. Upton thinks 'conversations' are the way to go at that point (there's only one convo of the 'eff off' variety imho). I think, but can't be certain because the steam coming out of my ears was deafening me, that the woman in her undies was supposed to attempt to discern "Pete's" innermost feeling about his gender ID and react accordingly.
Based on his testimony regarding sex, this "doctor" is clearly incompetent and should be nowhere near a patient, let alone women's changing rooms.
In my opinion he should be struck off - or it is defrocked? - but wokeism is still strong amongst the management of the NHS and they are all too willing to submit to the trans tail wagging the gullible dog.
'The deranged narcissism at the heart of gender identity ideology',
As ever, Andrew sums up in a memorable phrase the precise nature of gender identity garbage and its adherents. It can also be termed a grotesque charade.
It's not that men do not belong in women's changing rooms. It's that male genitalia do not belong in women's changing rooms, whether that male genitalia belongs to a man or a transwoman. Women deserve spaces where they don't have penises shoved in their faces, figuratively or literally.
Transwomen are men, whether they retain their male genitalia or not. This is NOT about male genitalia; it's about whether any man, intact or not, GRC holder or not, should ever be treated as if he were a woman. Upton's managers, his regulator, his trade union all support his false identity.
The problem with that argument is that it's saying that if a man has 'sex reassignment surgery' then he's OK to to be in women's changing rooms, toilets, hospital wards, prisons etc. He is not. He is still a man, he can never change that.
Notwithstanding whether a person can change their sex through surgery and hormone therapy, I think starting with the premise that a person can't change their sex without surgery and hormone therapy - that is, that they can't change their sex just by saying so - is a stronger point on which to build resistance to trans ideology.
I don't disagree with you, the essential point is that mammals cannot change sex by any means. But we often find that some people, generally newly arrived in the Terf Trenches or maybe still teetering on the edge, think its OK if a man has his bits chopped off. Nope, it makes not one iota of difference - he's still a man.
The more amazing thing even than Dr Upton standing there denying reality is the fact that he has effectively bullied and coerced not only his co-workers but the patients at the hospital. And this is all backed by the NHS using tax payers' money to justify this.
If the direct sex discrimination part of the claim wins that will be major!
It's the perfect example of how rights movements and historically left wing causes have become impossible to support. Until we push these narcissists back to the fringes where they belong, such causes can do no good, only harm.
Watching that video clip-together gives me Deja vu.
I need to see people asking:-
Who else has their dogma adopted by all mainstream media and politicians, our institutions and 90% of otherwise aware podcasters and commentators?
It may not be such obvious and transparent BS as put about by the messed up flag brigade, but it is much more deeply established and harder to root out despite repeated research demonstrating the lies that are at its very foundation.
and as far as DEI goes, we need to learn that it has done its job - then gone too far. listen to Scott Galloway (somewhere) on this
it's the poor that are in need of a leg up, NOT anyone with a so called minority characteristic.
My mantra is “affirming delusion harms delusional and those around them.”
When you believe a delusion, all reality linked to the delusion becomes unglued, you also become deluded. You believe that people who don’t share the delusion hate you. You feel that law should compel people to accept the delusion. You believe factual language about the delusion is violence. Because the delusion is so profound, you don’t believe it’s a lie, and are able to convince the weak-willed that it is reality, you have propagated the delusion. That’s the harm to “those around them”.
I wish that everyone who reads about trans in all the futures reads only “trans delusion” and not “trans” as in “the trans-delusional man” or “trans delusional ideology” or “trans delusional athletes” - it is accurate, not belittling, and clarifies this is a mental condition not a physical reality.
If I may offer a little light-hearted (?) alliterative relief on this vexed topic:
Gender identity is imagination . Gender identity is fantasy. Gender identity is a narcissistic charade, solipsistic play-acting by which someone hopes to give themself (sic) a meaning. It is a fantasy, a fiction, a fabrication, a falsehood, a fallacy, and fundamentally feeble, futile, facile, flatulent and fatuous, -- forced on us by those who wish to weaken society, especially our children, to render us more susceptible to coercive control (that's the critical theory aspect).]
Another demonstration of how little the Republican win in the US is affecting us here in Britain. The Wokists are still absolutely in power and enforcing their nonsensical rubbish in the judiciary, health, education and government.
I doubt there's a great deal of difference between the attitude of English trusts to DEI/Genderism and that of Scottish trusts, and while Streeting does have authority to ensure that trusts in England don't follow the policies that have landed NHS Fife in such hot water, the institiutions necessary to enforcement are resolutely opposed. The Department of Health, NHS England and the many statutory agencies in the sector are all captured. CQC, the regulator, is a Stonewall diversity champion. The professional bodies - the RCN, the GRC et al - are captured. The trade unions - not just the BMA, but Unison - are aggressive promoters of trans ideology. This quasi-religion that elevates the demands of the mentally ill over the rights of women is firmly entrenched.
The entitlement and bullying of the trans lobby has been evident on countless occasions and over many years. Upton is simply the end result of a society which for a variety of reasons -cowardice, virtue signalling, ignorance, indoctrination, laziness, MSM cover ups, is refusing to confront and call out delusion and insanity. If you allow people to behave in an entitled, bullying manner, that’s what many will do. If you allow people to manipulate and bully others into compliance, that’s what will happen. What’s shocking is how few people there are who are willing to confront the behaviour, who will go along with it for an easy life. Well what we are living through now is on your heads. You are responsible for this mess.
Thanks Andrew for your continued focus on the insanity of gender ideology.
The problem is that it doesn’t affect men very much. The victims of this are women and children, and society is not geared up to treat their needs seriously.
Which is what makes Andrew here such a star. Thank you Andrew.
if you are saying, or anyone else says, that society is not geared up to treat (and "support") women as victims I would say quite the opposite...
Horrifically so.
UK society declares that the victim role is virtually reserved for women and girls...
men who commit suicide due to being trapped in abuse were always told to man up...
and they are not allowed to be victims,
so much so that male victims of women's violence and abuse are statistically counted as VAWG - their very gender is obliterated - because we have 100% embedded the lie that women do not have the agency to be violent or otherwise abusive.
On the rare occasions where it is caught and prosecuted, even self confessed cold blooded killers are seen as somehow victims of male "oppression" so it's not their fault...
(read the details of the Sally Challen case to see the reality)
This fully adopted position is shown to be complete crap, nonsensical dogma, and not just harmful to male victims, it also SHOULD be anathema to women who desire equality and the agency that Feminism tells us is what men always had...
But Fem orgs like Women's Aid and Rape Crisis get a ton of tax payers money ensuring that women are scared and stuck in the victim role -
denying women the very agency that Feminists like Germaine Greer and Camille Paglia demanded for themselves and which makes them so angry at where Feminism has gone...
After over a decade of it I'm still shocked. I shouldn't be by now, but I am. It's tangible how witch trials and other mob crimes happened in the past, only they had the excuse of ignorance, we do not.
To me, the worst thing this tribunal has revealed is not Dr Upton's unpleasant character, but the unthinking acquiescence to his demands by NHS Fife, and the revelation that the General Medical Council, the statutory regulator, does not collect and publish accurate data on the sex of registrants, instead requiring only declaration of their "gender" and changing the public record on request. This destroys any possibility of sex-based rights of female staff and patients being exercised and enforced.
What the easy acceptance of gender ideology clearly illustrates is how little women and children matter…..and I sadly include some women in that. Women have been saying these things for years only to be abused or ignored.
I'm far more worried this bloke is a practising doctor and apparently comes into contact with actual patients.
Would the NHS (or any health care body) be as accomodating when a doctor or nurse believed you can't distinguish desease from demonic possession? And insisted the entire hospital joins in excorcism and communal prayer instead of a proven medical treatment?
He is not just forcing his delusion on his coworkers, but on patients (who are in a rather vulnerable position) as well. He should be struck off and have his licence removed.
Thank you Andrew (and legaltweetz) for showing the madness once again.
The whole thing is unbelievable. Or at least it would be if we didn't now live in Upside-down World.
I've been at most of the tribunal (online) and Upton was a sight & sound to behold - every answer was an opportunity for grandstanding, he doesn't use one word when ten will do and he treats his audience as though they're stupid. This cannot surely be ultimately in his favour.
What shocked me most (out of a sea of shocks) was when Naomi Cunningham ((Sandie Peggie's barrister) invented "Pete", a burly, bearded, built-like-s-sh*t-house male colleague. 'Pete' enters the changing room when a female colleague is in bra & pants and he starts to undress. Upton thinks 'conversations' are the way to go at that point (there's only one convo of the 'eff off' variety imho). I think, but can't be certain because the steam coming out of my ears was deafening me, that the woman in her undies was supposed to attempt to discern "Pete's" innermost feeling about his gender ID and react accordingly.
Is this madness or what?
Based on his testimony regarding sex, this "doctor" is clearly incompetent and should be nowhere near a patient, let alone women's changing rooms.
In my opinion he should be struck off - or it is defrocked? - but wokeism is still strong amongst the management of the NHS and they are all too willing to submit to the trans tail wagging the gullible dog.
I've hired there have been quite a few complaints about Upton made to the General Medical Council.
Indeed, biological sex is so nebulous that I only had to glance at the photo at the top to know that it was a man under all those wrappings.
That you had to write an article with this title shows how the lunatics are in charge of the asylum.....
'The deranged narcissism at the heart of gender identity ideology',
As ever, Andrew sums up in a memorable phrase the precise nature of gender identity garbage and its adherents. It can also be termed a grotesque charade.
It's not that men do not belong in women's changing rooms. It's that male genitalia do not belong in women's changing rooms, whether that male genitalia belongs to a man or a transwoman. Women deserve spaces where they don't have penises shoved in their faces, figuratively or literally.
Transwomen are men, whether they retain their male genitalia or not. This is NOT about male genitalia; it's about whether any man, intact or not, GRC holder or not, should ever be treated as if he were a woman. Upton's managers, his regulator, his trade union all support his false identity.
The problem with that argument is that it's saying that if a man has 'sex reassignment surgery' then he's OK to to be in women's changing rooms, toilets, hospital wards, prisons etc. He is not. He is still a man, he can never change that.
Notwithstanding whether a person can change their sex through surgery and hormone therapy, I think starting with the premise that a person can't change their sex without surgery and hormone therapy - that is, that they can't change their sex just by saying so - is a stronger point on which to build resistance to trans ideology.
I respectfully disagree. The starting point is to accept that there are two sexes:
Females are those whose bodies are designed around the production of large gametes
Males are those whose bodies are designed around the production of small gametes
Humans CANNOT change sex: not by hormone treatment, surgery or by the acquisition of a certificate.
I don't disagree with you, the essential point is that mammals cannot change sex by any means. But we often find that some people, generally newly arrived in the Terf Trenches or maybe still teetering on the edge, think its OK if a man has his bits chopped off. Nope, it makes not one iota of difference - he's still a man.
Thanks, Andrew
The more amazing thing even than Dr Upton standing there denying reality is the fact that he has effectively bullied and coerced not only his co-workers but the patients at the hospital. And this is all backed by the NHS using tax payers' money to justify this.
If the direct sex discrimination part of the claim wins that will be major!
Will cross post in due course.
Cross posted
It's the perfect example of how rights movements and historically left wing causes have become impossible to support. Until we push these narcissists back to the fringes where they belong, such causes can do no good, only harm.
Watching that video clip-together gives me Deja vu.
I need to see people asking:-
Who else has their dogma adopted by all mainstream media and politicians, our institutions and 90% of otherwise aware podcasters and commentators?
It may not be such obvious and transparent BS as put about by the messed up flag brigade, but it is much more deeply established and harder to root out despite repeated research demonstrating the lies that are at its very foundation.
An explainer,
and as far as DEI goes, we need to learn that it has done its job - then gone too far. listen to Scott Galloway (somewhere) on this
it's the poor that are in need of a leg up, NOT anyone with a so called minority characteristic.
Simple, deft, devastating. Good post.
Thank you for saying delusion.
My mantra is “affirming delusion harms delusional and those around them.”
When you believe a delusion, all reality linked to the delusion becomes unglued, you also become deluded. You believe that people who don’t share the delusion hate you. You feel that law should compel people to accept the delusion. You believe factual language about the delusion is violence. Because the delusion is so profound, you don’t believe it’s a lie, and are able to convince the weak-willed that it is reality, you have propagated the delusion. That’s the harm to “those around them”.
I wish that everyone who reads about trans in all the futures reads only “trans delusion” and not “trans” as in “the trans-delusional man” or “trans delusional ideology” or “trans delusional athletes” - it is accurate, not belittling, and clarifies this is a mental condition not a physical reality.
If I may offer a little light-hearted (?) alliterative relief on this vexed topic:
Gender identity is imagination . Gender identity is fantasy. Gender identity is a narcissistic charade, solipsistic play-acting by which someone hopes to give themself (sic) a meaning. It is a fantasy, a fiction, a fabrication, a falsehood, a fallacy, and fundamentally feeble, futile, facile, flatulent and fatuous, -- forced on us by those who wish to weaken society, especially our children, to render us more susceptible to coercive control (that's the critical theory aspect).]
Another demonstration of how little the Republican win in the US is affecting us here in Britain. The Wokists are still absolutely in power and enforcing their nonsensical rubbish in the judiciary, health, education and government.
It's important to note that health is a devolved matter in Scotland and so Wes Streeting has no authority over it.
I doubt there's a great deal of difference between the attitude of English trusts to DEI/Genderism and that of Scottish trusts, and while Streeting does have authority to ensure that trusts in England don't follow the policies that have landed NHS Fife in such hot water, the institiutions necessary to enforcement are resolutely opposed. The Department of Health, NHS England and the many statutory agencies in the sector are all captured. CQC, the regulator, is a Stonewall diversity champion. The professional bodies - the RCN, the GRC et al - are captured. The trade unions - not just the BMA, but Unison - are aggressive promoters of trans ideology. This quasi-religion that elevates the demands of the mentally ill over the rights of women is firmly entrenched.
Yes. It's all horrendous and we have such a fight on our hands. When did so many lose the ability to reason?