We now have the Cass Report, the WPATH files, a wealth of evidence of the harmful effects of puberty blockers and cross sex hormones, and the damning survey which tracked children with ‘dysphoria’ over an extended period only to find what we already knew….that the vast majority grow out of it. If there are still people pushing this vile ideology in the face of all the evidence, we should consider some kind of prosecution for the harms they are causing to children. For example, the biggest teaching union, the NEU, is advising staff to ignore govt advice and continue socially transitioning children secretly. And not forgetting all the organisations such as Stonewall and the plethora of groups making money by pushing ideological claptrap into schools via so called training materials. And what of all the captured politicians? How many snivelling backtracks are we going to see today? I am angry, we should all be angry. It’s time it was all stopped.

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You're right. Locking up a few of the perpetrators pour decourager les autres might be the best way to stop this violence in its tracks.

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Are you saying Napoleon was trans?!!!

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And they are still claiming there is world wide evidence for "gender afforming care" even as that evidence is discredited. The supporters of Andrew Wakefield have never given up on him despite his papers being discredited as hoaxes. Sadly there will be people who won't give up on this issue either.

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I cancelled my TV licence two years ago. I couldn't, in all conscience, continue to give money to the BBC. It should be held accountable for its derogation of responsibility in promoting this pernicious ideology to children, and in not platforming contrary voices. I find it extraordinary that eloquent and knowledgeable groups like Sex Matters and LGB Alliance are effectively banned by the BBC. For an institution ostensibly obsessed with diversity and inclusion, it practices the opposite when it comes to this subject. I have no faith in the BBC investigating itself, and Ofcom is a joke.

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Strongly agree. The BBC's dereliction on this subject has been unforgivable, particularly from an organisation feigning even-handedness and proclaiming a commitment to factual coverage, yet feeding off its status as the national broadcaster. They've been wholly, enthusiastically indoctrinatory on this. That millions placed trust in the BBC as a reliable source on transgenderism has damaged countless lives.

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Just driving home from dropping my nephew off at, listening to the news on Classic FM and the BBC actually reporting on it. I was shocked

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Helen Joyce was on 5 live at 8am. The first time I believe…

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That's really something. It's falling like a house of cards now 👍

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Apr 11·edited Apr 11

The BBC News at 12's top story was an earthquake in Kazakhstan and Russia, followed by three Gaza stories for 14 minutes (including 6 minutes given over to one grieving mother w/repeated photos of her daughter in happy times; could've been more effectively edited to a minute), before brief coverage of the Cass report. In it, the only properly forthright statement came from someone the BBC only referred to as 'a lawyer' (the caption did label him Paul Conrathe – who in fact represented Keira Bell and an anonymous mother of an autistic girl in the Judicial Review against the Tavistock in 2020... ). Conrathe said, "It is, unfortunately for many young people, too late. They live with the ongoing consequences of poor medical treatment, and their lives forever changed." Too true.

I was expecting it to go back for studio discussion after the pre-edited segment on a big news story, but they didn't, instead changing subjects.

Yes, it's shocking to have the BBC finally allow some light onto what they've wilfully ignored for so long, but I think they have a very, very long way to go. Too big, too mired in BBC groupthink, too captured.

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I don't watch the BBC I only listen to Classic FM. I was merely shocked at even a mention of this report

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Yes, a shock after years of the BBC choosing to hide the issues. It seemed as if, because it was a huge story in other media, their backs were against the wall to cover it.

But of course a big part of the segment went to how a trans-identified male teenager didn't get hormones as fast as he'd wanted to because gender clinics have been inundated – due to the success of the BBC/Mermaids/Stonewall/Gendered Intelligence recruitment schemes. /s

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Pleased to see that Cass also referenced treatment for 18-25 year olds (in recognition that we do not mature cognitively/neurologically until mid twenties), asking for a holistic, cautious and evidenced based approach for them too. Am hoping this will shore up the current legal action being brought by Richie Herron and another Parent looking into this, with the additional emphasis on autistic referees under 25.

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Finally the dam has broken? Great to see so many media in the UK picking this up.

Dutch media seem to have doubled down on this issue in the last few months and won't spend a iota of attention to it. Such a shame.

And hopefully a full investigation on how these zealots were able to influence every fiber of policy making will show more light on where we are right now.

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I don't see this stopping soon, there's a financial incentive with enough ideological capture and the threat from the same, to keep it afloat for this and the next government.

This change needs to come from the public, for that, it doesn't hurt enough yet.

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I've always thought this would only stop when parents refuse to bring their children to a gender clinic. Too much money involved.

Here is an article in NRC from last week. First children are sterilised under the banner of "gender treatment is urgent". Afterwards they need to be put on a fertility program because it's naturel that trans people want children at same point... They can make a lot of money medicalising these people.


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There's that, and the fact there's no trans kids the same way there's no vegan dogs...

And no one wants to tackle the mental ineptitude of the parents

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I don’t know if you can blame al parents, some for sure, but when you are told by professionals “Would you rather have a live trans kid or a dead kid?” That strikes at the heart of every parent. They think they are doing the right thing and there are not enough dissenting voices in the main stream to make them think otherwise. This why the word needs to get out to the world, especially Canada and North America where it is arguably worse than UK and Europe.

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Even in this case, it's absolutely the blame of the parents... There's no single point of failure in a family. What you are describing is just weak and not intelligent people, choosing the easier path and making a mistake, whatever the reason, it's a mistake still. Excuses are for children, we should be better than that.

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Watched BBC News this morning to see what the reporting was like. They did report it but they just had to sandwich the report with an interview of some young she/her with a sob story about spending years on the waiting list then having to go private for hormones. It gave the impression that this was yet another waiting list problem in the NHS. If it was balanced, impartial reporting they should have interviewed someone like Kiera Bell as well.

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This isn’t the end. It might not even be the beginning of the end. It’s a giant leap from the BBC reporting a story to the realisation that they are captured by the same ideology as those at the heart of the scandal. There’s a complete lack of self-awareness, some would say arrogance, when it comes to their complicity. It’s the same in other institutions, especially within education. The initial responses from Stonewall and Mermaids are limited but wholly defensive in as far as they go. What Cass does is provide some of the best evidence yet for an argument that already wins any debate on a subject that the other side refuses to debate. There’s a long road ahead.

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Indeed. Even if this puts the nail in coffin for the transition of children, we still have the situation that gender ideology is embedded in every institution and business through their DEI policies, so incredibly difficult to row back from that. And the ideologues and parents who’ve transed a child are not going to give up without a fight.

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This of course is the Mammoth in the room. Our civil service, our institutions, our schools and universities, even our parliamentary ranks, have all been infiltrated by gender ideologues. This is eminently evident in Scotland where every extremist the left could hope for, is embedded in the system. It seems nonsensical to ask 'did people vote for these clowns', because people did. Similarly, we may end up with our own captured parliament at the next General Election, and personally, I blame the ludicrously inept Tory government - and prime monster - who have forgotten, or didn't know, how to lead a country. Never has a choice between two evils been such a painful decision to make.

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Completely agree with all that. The Conservatives have had an open goal on this issue and all they’ve done is allow it to spread unchecked.

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Oh, the other sad, tragic, and unfortunate side effect of this, is that the usual suspects are wailing like children and saying it's all lies. I saw the word genocide a few times on various social media channels. Are any of us, on this side of the debate, surprised? Not I Gunga Din, not I.

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We absolutely need a review of what’s going on in schools. I have spent my career supporting PSHE(et al) programmes in schools but I can’t believe what is included now- it’s totally out of control. My class is supposed to learn about masturbation next term -they are 9-10 years old.

Until the curriculums (all the UK curriculums) ?& then the unions support the removal of any contentious issues teachers are bound to cover what’s prescribed which is a terrible situation.

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Wait for it "Lessons will be learned" and Sweet Nothing will be done.

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As well as Stonewall claiming that they welcome Cass, the Labour Party has said that it will implement all its recommendations. Something stinks about this apparent Damascene conversion. Can the LP now explain, then, why Rosie Duffield has been so consistently ill-treated by her own party on this issue; why they ban gender-critical groups from having stalls at party conference; or why so many Labour MPs support a 'trans conversion practices' ban which would criminalise the very kind of therapeutic support that Cass recommends? I fear that nothing more than lip service is currently being paid, because it's impossible to defend what the NHS has been doing, and that once they have an overwhelming majority after the GE trans-lobbyists will be back in the driving seat.

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Exactly, that’s what worries me.

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Well done on your synopsis Andrew. Succinct as usual. Whilst I haven't had a chance to study your article in total, I am, as I write this, watching the BBC news channel (y'know, the British Biased Chickens) actually reporting on The Cass Report and actually telling the blessed truth for once. Hallelujah!

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Another shocking finding of the Cass review: 6 out of the 7 adult gender clinics obstructed a planned research study to investigate the long term outcomes of the children who had undergone medical intervention at the Tavistock (and who are now adults): https://archive.md/2024.04.11-052543/https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/04/10/nhs-bosses-ordered-reveal-fate-of-young-trans-patients/

It's almost like they don't want to know the outcomes... There are no words. Thankfully JKR was able to express the horror, sadness and fury that I suspect many of us feel:

“And if I sound angry, it’s because I’m bloody angry. I read Cass this morning and my anger’s been mounting all day. Kids have been irreversibly harmed, and thousands are complicit, not just medics, but the celebrity mouthpieces, unquestioning media and cynical corporations.

The consequences of this scandal will play out for decades. You cheered it on. You did all you could to impede and misrepresent research. You tried to bully people out of their jobs for opposing you. Young people have been experimented on, left infertile and in pain.

I thought the last tweet was going to be my last, but I just burst into tears. The #Cass Review may be a watershed moment, but it comes too late for detransitioners who’ve written me heartbreaking letters of regret. Today’s not a triumph, it’s the laying bare of a tragedy."

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I feel the same nar, we all have to support each other because we’d all go mad otherwise. My worst moment was during Andrews WPATH programme when those two NHS bastards discuss inducing menopause in a 9 year old girl. I could only think of my daughters at that age and I burst into tears. That moment led me to sending that programme to the last of my so called friends who have now ostracised me. Quite honestly, anyone who doesn’t care enough to find out about this issue isn’t worth having as a friend.

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Excellent synopsis, Andrew. Thank you.

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I was that sort of gay kid (in 1976!) who preferred playing with girls and had once or twice played dress ups in Mum's wedding dress . I shudder to think what would have happened today. As a gay man it took me decades to become comfortable with who I am and in particular being a man. These kids, 80% of whom we now know to be gay or lesbian, need counselling not puberty blockers.

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It’s heartbreaking and it makes me so angry that the link between being gender non conforming and growing up to be gay, has been ignored, deliberately in many cases.

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