UK has become a grotesque caricature of the nation that saved Western civilization from nazism.

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It beggars belief! You are right, how much more needs to be said, or evidence of overreach collated. Our political system is bankrupt without a doubt.

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What happened to the Liberal Party? I thought the Liberal Democrats were supposed to cover this? Maybe once it stops being led by a posing idiot who thinks he’s a minor saint it could start upholding Liberal values?

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It's another grim read and I still can't believe these laws are currently operational in the UK.

Does anyone know whether this applies to visitors as well as residents? Could I be accused by a stranger and arrested on arrival at Dover?

Thanks for the warning as well, we need to be vigilant over here for these laws to be brought in under the guise of "be kind".

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There's a very good chance as Scotland's Hate Speech laws do have that reach which include possibility (but not probability) of being extradited!!!

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One of the best Kafkaesque movies of recent years (1985) is 'Brazil'. It's a dark comedy written by Terry Gilliam, Charles McKeown and Tom Stoppard ... if you haven't seen it, do. It sums up todays 'Public Services' exactly, with a side order of the Police investigation of Allison Pearson.

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Brilliant article. Thank you Andrew for staying vigilant. I am starting to think I might have to leave the country.

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There's nowhere better to go

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It just gets worse! Think of the lives sacrificed to hand us the right to offend those in power only for the custodians of our rights to betray us so limply.

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I believe the ‘NCHI’ were originally intended to encourage people from minority groups to feel comfortable making a complaint to police in order to have their voices heard. We are well past that stage now and they are being used by bad actors to shut down any voices or opinions that stray from the mainstream groupthink.

Time to say they’ve achieved their objective and get rid of them before it’s too late.

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with regard to s127, Communications Act 2003, in a criminal appeal judgment in December 2020, Lord Justice Bean said:

[para 54] "In short, I do not consider that under s 127(2)(c) there is an offence of posting annoying

tweets. I would reach that conclusion as a matter of domestic statutory interpretation

without reference to the Human Rights Act, but once one takes Article 10 into account

the position is even clearer."

Lord Justice Warby , in this same appeal:

[para 43] "The prosecution argument failed entirely to

acknowledge the well-established proposition that free speech encompasses the right to

offend, and indeed to abuse another."

The original conviction was quashed by this judgment.


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NCHI are beyond ridiculous

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This has to be politically motivated as it is clear they are targeting people in the right, but turning a blind eye to groups that potentially vote for the left. I used to visit East Germany on business, and heard stories which would make your hair curl, what is happening here is right out of the Stasis playbook. Chilling.

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Thanks, Andrew. Looks like the Harry Miller case is not being applied. This needs to go back to court.

Have cross posted.



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