When will we stop naming these activists Trans-activists and start naming them anti-LGB activists? Seems like there’s no better moment to start than now.

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Agreed. One could also question use of the descriptor ‘activists’. I go with extremists, it strikes me as more accurate. I’ve also heard ‘terrorists’ used - we would all hope things never ever get that far.

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Trans fanatics might be another good descriptor, too.

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They are against LGB people, women and children so I'll stick with trans activists ( albeit 'trans' doesn't really mean anything!!)


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Gender ideology is anti-woman, anti-gay and anti-science. They are the flatearthers of biology.

Has Stonewall UK condemned this attack on the LGB Alliance and the LGB communitiy? I couldn't find a statement on X, but maybe they shared their horror of this assault on gay people on another platform (or platforms).

Thank you for having Bev Jackson on your program last night, she's brilliant and I was glad to see she (and the others) are okay and fighting on.

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Thanks Andrew, brilliant as ever. And well done to Bev Jackson for being so gracious in the face of never ending harassment and hate. I’m in a state of despair that after all these years and so much evidence, there are still so many people adding 2+2 and getting 5.

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Sex is determined at conception. It is not “assigned at birth”.

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18 hrs ago·edited 18 hrs ago

I found the following definitions of the word stonewall and stonewalling:

“delay or obstruct (a request, process, or person) by refusing to answer questions or by being evasive”

“Stonewalling is a communication behavior characterized by shutting down, withdrawing, and emotionally disengaging from a conversation or interaction with a partner. It often involves one partner giving the silent treatment, avoiding eye contact, or displaying a lack of responsiveness.”

"While it's an understandable defense mechanism that we all employ from time to time, habitual stonewalling is toxic to relationships - be they romantic, familial, friendly or professional.”

“Unlike gaslighting, stonewalling is a maladaptive defense mechanism versus a form of emotional abuse. Dr. John Gottman uses the term to define one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. His research indicates that stonewalling leads to relationship dissatisfaction, separation and divorce.”

Sometimes divorce is the healthy option and it may well be best for the LGB community.

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I'm working with a group who have written a US federal bill to reestablish women's rights that is more comprehensive and more likely to be passed than bills offered by WDI, Republican legislators and other groups. We are also working on two new projects to solve the issue of male athletes in women's sports. We think our plan will knock the discussion of women's sports out of the LGB and feminist ballpark and into the laps of people who are wondering what just happened to school athletics and what they can do about it. I think there are millions of people looking for a solution right now and I want to offer them this one. I'd like to talk to you to get your feedback and hopefully your support.

Can you contact me to discuss this novel approach?

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Thank you, Andrew, for this timely, to-the-point commentary and the interview with the always excellent and level-headed Bev Jackson. You always come through with flying colors—and quickly, too—so in contrast with the BBC, the Guardian, and other media. Shame on them. Good on you.

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This has been building for too long and I for one am over the fricking moon that more people are saying 'no'.

That's all this is.

Refuse to take part in the game,the charade.

Oh and all these gender surgeons can go on the fkn wall.

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I suppose they're anti-straight too, or 'anti-sex-based attraction.' And I still find it weird that identifying out of your race is anathema to TRAs even though race is more fluid than sex.

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Very insightful commentary. Thank you.

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Thanks Andrew for another incisive analysis of what many transactivists are actually promoting. However, there is a peculiar and tragic side to this development and it is one that Stonewall need to take full responsibility for. They were founded to campaign for a fundamental and core human right: namely, the right for lesbian, gay and bisexual people to have the same rights as heterosexual people in expressing their sexuality. They didn't seek more rights, just the same rights. And there was no question of taking anyone else's rights away. With their adoption of transgenderism, they have become hostage to values wholly inconsistent with their own original core values. Put succinctly, Stonewall has allowed the adopted T to consume the fundamental LGB. It needs to be honest with itself as the first step in rediscovering its true purpose and values.

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The whole episode was disgusting, and certainly was literally anti-gay. I'm glad Bev also commented on using living creatures in the, well, attack. How many trans allies would also call themselves vegans, I wonder.

Thank you Andrew and Bev for an excellent discussion.

I've been around a long time and it still mystifies me how such a small special interest group has garnered such an enormous amount of power and support - no matter how many experts I hear talking about the topic.

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Here's an idea. Instead of promoting ANY minority rights, why don't we just affirm simple human rights, to wit the rights of ALL people regardless of any 'special characteristics' to be treated fairly and humanely (or maybe better said with simple unadorned decency and respect)? The whole thing about gay rights, whether you support the idea or not, is that it opened the door to a multiplicity of other special groups calling for their own special rights. Enough is enough, I say! People are either equal or they're not, and faffing about with 'special characteristics' only serves to blur the essential issue.

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Absolutely agree with Andrew and everyone posting here. Just one question though: how in earth did these young ‘activists’ get hold of all these crickets. Where did they come from? Were they bred intentionally in order to release them on just such an occasion? And by whom? After all, even just one of these insects is extremely hard to catch. An investigation is needed!

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You can buy crickets on the 'net. They're sold to feed pet reptiles. The activists claimed that they released 6,000, so buying them would have been expensive. Tickets to the event for the young 'terrorists' would have been >£200. It would be interesting to know who funded this operation.

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"The Transtapo" might fit. This is how the Looney Left gets Trump elected.

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No surprise that the activists were so young. Kids are being systematically brainwashed from infants school onwards into believing the trans nonsense, and regarding anybody who doesn't as unkind and unfeeling towards its gullible victims. This should be a major political issue as we have an entire generation being groomed - with successive governments approval and even encouragement - into embracing an ideology which is an obvious stepping stone towards the globalists we dream of turning us into a race of transhumans, subservient to an AI controlled technocracy. Time to fight back if we want a world fit for our children and grandchildren to live in.

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