I think we all know the answer to your question. The problem is, how to fight back when we aren’t allowed a voice.

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Break the system. If a "non crime" is whatever it means in the eye of the beholder then mass report the hell out of MP's, their friends and relatives. Spare no-one. Report the police officers who refuse to take your report claiming "you're not serious". Inundate them with grievances and victim hood.

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Indeed. We’re going to have to become subversive dissidents. It’s not a recipe for a healthy, fair and functioning democracy.

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There is as of now no appetite for these laws in The Netherlands, but if there is I'd make reporting hate crimes my 2nd day job. And I'd make sure to use Titiana McGrath as my muse and report at least one MP for "walking around town with an offensive wife". 😂

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“Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” I’m afraid the Labour Party with its huge parliamentary majority is becoming drunk with power and control. I’m not optimistic that it will do more than pay lip service to democracy.

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Bring back Titania McGrath, Andrew. On X/twitter, I’m sure she could speak for all of us.

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Good read, Andrew.

This is so Orwellian it is easy to be tempted to laugh (from my lofty, open-minded Canadian perspective….. aka: we’re not far behind you with the censoring of speech.) This is no laughing matter! It is not a humanistic approach to report others for “hurty words.” It is toddlerism.

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they really need to deal with the actual crimes before they spend any time on hurty words. Until all burglaries are investigated and all rapists are charged then I think their time is already taken up

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Thanks for another excellent piece, Andrew.

This Government is heading in totally the wrong direction with regard to free speech. They are going to make the Tories look like a tea party !

Will cross post in due course.


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This article elicited a horror and dread I've never experienced. I know this sounds nuts but as an American it feels like this.

It's the Battle of Britain. 1940.🇬🇧 Oh Dear God England has fallen. I can't think of anything else.

It's brilliant and sinister

Any criticism of Islam is illegal.

They did it! It's brilliant. They actually did it! They actually codified it.

Any criticism of Islam is now illegal.

I'm almost finished with the first volume of The Gulag by AS. The tribunals. This shit is precisely what he exposed.

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I would urge you all to read Ed Husain’s ‘Among the Mosques’ which details his travels across the U.K. to various mosques and Muslim communities. The introduction of an ‘Islamophobic’ hate crime is being pushed by a particularly illiberal, fundamentalist interpretation of Islam and would threaten the ability of more moderate Muslims to express their beliefs. It’s basically a tool for the more extreme versions to silence anyone disagreeing with them and has nothing to do with promoting tolerance amongst and between diverse communities.

We need to ask ourselves: who, exactly, is pushing for this law? Which politicians in which areas of the U.K. benefit from it?

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