What has happened to him cannot be explained in any kind of logical, rational way. “We live in a mad world” says it all.

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Astounding, the world has truly gone mad.

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Perhaps we need the Free Speech Union to sue the C of E for allowing their clergy to preach the church’s doctrine in contravention of the new woke ideology they seem to be pushing. Would that wake them up to their illogical stance. I’m not sure!

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One assumes you need to be a member, as I am, but in principle that is a good idea, as this ridiculous cases need to be addressed.

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A perfect example of the new totalitarian state in action. This should be a national scandal. But it isn't. Even if eventually Randall wins a long legal case, and wins some damages (which he should) the damage will still have been done.

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Thank you, Andrew, for giving him a platform to speak out.

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The sermon is indeed well worth reading. Tremendously thoughtful, and encouraging listeners to engage in critical thinking, whatever their point of view. (Just for the record, as a lesbian, I don’t share the C of E POV on, eg gay marriage, but it is exactly for that reason, that I especially appreciated the way he was trying to help people listen to and respect one another and learn how to talk civilly across the divide.)

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What happened to him is outrageous ,and every rational person can see that !! I just can't get my head round what this country is being turned into ,thanks ,in the first place , to the lunatics in Academia etc ,and the abject cowardice of politicians of all stripes !! Thanks ,Andrew ,for continuing to speak the TRUTH about what's really happening here ,even as the government tries to hide it. !! It's despicable and the damage done to children and young people caught up in this nightmare can never be undone .

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